Friday, December 26, 2008
The Blog is about Outlook of guys for girls ............. and trust me ........... it is all vegetarian (this is not part of my outlook ;-))
There are few grades /terminologies that guys generally follow about girls:
Girls can be classified into 3 categories by guys:
GM: Girl Friend Material
MM: Marriage Material
IM: Im-Material
Dont feel bad as terminologies may differ but girls also grade boys like that!! :-D
Also, girls can move from 1 category to other.
So I have had a history of crushes, losses, failures and few successes!! please dont take them in their literal meanings but for that point of time, all the history could be graded in those terms!!
But then 1 question that keeps me wondering, is love what binds 2 people?
In case of a couple, then I learnt what bind harder is not love!!
I recently got a new friend who is out-an-out a casinova!! and he is committed .......... and though guys are probably not as committed as girls are, this guy as per my expectation has all the reasons to loose interest in his current partner (girl friend as of now)!! But then I realised that what binds them is respect.
Girl loves the guy but guy respects the girl. So that respect would never let any girl for that matter take her place in his life!!
But again Outlook may say Love but I say, its the respect for the other person that binds them!!
Not a verdict, not a decision, not an ideology, just a thought put into a blog!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Mumbai was rocked!!
All of us are aware on what happened in Mumbai few days back.
I was travelling outside India for few Business meetings and unfortunately, my all meetings with my customers started with the topic of "MUMBAI". Unfortunate not because of I was ashamed of what is happening in India but because my mind was not letting me talk happily to the customers and still I was there doing business meetings.
About 5 months back whenever India used to have terrorist attacks, I used to feel bad about the attack as any Indian and used to think for a moment about those who lost there lives and then used to immediately call my known people in that area / city and check about their whereabouts!!
After all this, for me it was just a news and probably consumed about 20 minutes of time on that day only.
But then, something happened that changed my process of how I take news like these.
One day I was driving back from office and as usual was listening to the FM radio.
The hostess that day was talking to callers. The show was getting hosted 5 days after the recent Delhi bomb blasts in Connaught Place.
Everything on the FM calling was going fine till the time a girl called the FM station.
She started her talks with hostess with crying. Then she narrated her story over the radio which was about her acquaintance with the Delhi blasts.
The girl was about to get married and her only friend (girl) was also supposed to get married same date. Both the couples went for shopping in CP on the D-Day and then for sometime, she went with her friend's fiance to a different shop and then booooooooooooom!! the bombs went off and her fiance n her friend died!!
With this narration of her side, the girl was cryin, cryin n cryin!!
I then realised that what was just a news for me, was a complete change of life for someone.
And then I realised that I need to give much much more value to it than just a news and 10 minutes. That is the least that I can do.
Dont think that I am talking some emotional funda!! when you can appreciate Peter Parker realising that "someone else's problem" can be "his problem" when the theif he had left after the fight with bonesaw, shoots his uncle Ben, then why not us!! though we have no intentions to climb on the walls nor have I ever been to a DNA lab of spiders!!
but the point is that do all of us give the due concern to events like this? I dont think so!! I realised that after hearing the story of the girl over radio that day.
I was actually so concerned about what was happening in Mumbai that I got the guts of watching India TV kinds of news channel too outside India.
Though how irrseponsible, therereporting was something that I would talk about later but the point is that I really felt bad about what was happeneing in my country and to our people.
It affected me and so it should to all of us. Thats the least we can do being an Indian.
Then in 1 of my meetings, a customer asked me about Mumbai. The lady had told me earlier that she plans to goto India sometime.
During the meeting I asked her if she is planning to goto India anytime?? She said, "NO".
I felt bad .............. terrorist strikes had ensured that people think twice before coming to our country. I just asked her one thing, "Have you stopped going to US after 9/11?"
She dint say a word after that!!
End of the day, I took Mumbai Terror very seriously. It is happening in the country where I live. That fact makes it great enough to be worried about!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Dost badal gaye ........... ya main
Probably did a segregation ........... of friends ............. like school friends, college friends, Sify friends, Verizon friends, Nucleus friends etc etc!!
And guess who helped me in doing that ........... probably tools like Orkut, LinkedIn!!
Coming out of the talks of IT in the world, let me come back to what I want to write.
So, as I used to brag a lot in front of my later part of life friends, my school friends core group has always been there and till date we are so closely knighted that all of us are aware about where abouts, feelings, thoughts, developments, achievements, disappointments, love angles, love failures etc etc etc etc etc ............. of each other so much that we dont feel that we have been together for last 22 years!!
But what I brag, I still believe in. But for last few weeks, my thoughts are changing, or the conditions are, or my friends are, OR IS IT ME?
A close old friend of mine (for last 22 years), recently bought a car and did not tell us. Also one of them has been going around with a girl for last 5 months and on the verge of a break-off and we came to know about this recently.
So when I asked these chaps on why didn't u tell us, they said "yaar, itni badi baat bhi nahin thi!!"
Come on guys ................. first car ............. first live-in (if I can say so) ............ are these news not BIG enough to be narrated to your 22 year old gossip group? We are friends!!
So I was angry ............. as in I really am.
But then I thought, am I expecting too much? Probably news were actually not big enough to be shared!!
Then, after thinking about their point of view, I analysed them as me!!
Even they have a classification of friends ........... school, college, room mates etc etc!!
And a mathematical formula:
Tendency of sharing stuff (anything and everything) increases with the decreasing age of the gossip group!! i.e. if the gossip group is 22 years old, you would share with them less as compared to the gossip group which is say 2 years old!!
Not that they dint want to tell, but just that they share it more with a new gossip group!!
Which I now feel is ok .............. why not?? even I have changed .............. I also tell few things to my older gossip group .................... may be not everything but yes ................ most of the things are shared with the newer gossip group!!
So it took me sometim to find the hidden truth in me about me changing and thinking that only te world around me has!!
Dost nahin badle ................. or rather .............. SIRF dost nahin badle!!
Sab badle hein ............... but 1 thing where I still differ is the understanding of an individual about what is important and what is not .............. as per me, if I was trying on a new girl (which most of the time I am :-)) .......... is a news to be shared ............... as per few of my friends it is not .......... but guess that is what we call as an individual ............... and people have to be different from eacch other ................ otherwise .................. you become the bat in cricket ............. all looking same ............. doing the same job (I dont expect any expert cricketing advise on how and why bats differ from each other!! It is just an example!! May be a wrong one, but who cares :-))
thats it from my side ............... now its ur turn!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Facts about Job
In 5+ years of my job 1 thing that I have learnt, understood and believed is that there is a personal life and a professional life ............... give ur 100% in each ................ dont mix .............. once ur out of office, u r in ur personal life .............
as one of my ex-boss used to ask me ................. when u say something as urgent, do you really mean it? If you do then not everything can be urgent.
Point is that in our history of professional lives have we ever gathered the maturity of understanding that un-necessary pressure would not yield result.
Typical syndromes that I have noticed:
- Not delegating work
- Not trusting your team after delegation
- Pressing Panic button even if there is no need
- Interfering even after delegating the work
- not waiting for the deadline but to keep checking on things even in between for a delegated work
- always being pain in the A**
I have had worked with about 5 managers till date and this blog has inputs from all of them (right!!)
A manager used to teach me on goof-ups ............ what happened if there is a goof-up? maximum what will happen? you may looseur job. Even then what? You can always find another job. You are not dead. So dont take tension and pressure.
This has made me learn one thing ............. what worst can happen if things go wrong? you always have an option to press the restart button.
This one thought gives you a lot of patience of letting things happen at their right pace and also ensure that you dont stretch stuff too much.
Another thing that my job role (sales) has made me learn is that everyone on this earth at everytime is actually doing sales ................ sales of material, service, thought, emotion, perception, perspective etc. etc.
coming back to the topic of job related syndromes ............... m sure all of us somewhere feel during our working hours that ............. "whats the hurry dude" .............. cant this wait?? i.e. when u know that things can wait ................ pressing panic button when it is not needed ............
I believe that few people in every organisation some how dont grow-up ............. though everyone in their childhood have read/heard story of the old lady and her hoax call for villagers even when wolves were not there .................. just to refresh, the villagers did not turn up when the wolves actually came in.
People with low maturity forget that when everything is escalation then nothing is, when everything is in panic then nothing is .............
People with various years of experience on their CVs miss out on this basic fact of life ............
dont you think so?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
We Indians
I have been visiting East Africa for sometime now but what I found interesting there are Indians (read ........ "roots from India")
In all my trips I have met people with roots from India (not that they are the highest branch of an eucalyptus either) .......
Scene 1:
Me: Sir, you are from India?
Mr. X: NOOOOOOOO (caps here is intentional as the guy is definately annoyed)
Me: My apologies, but your looks are very Indian
Mr. X: May be, is that a problem?
Me: Not at all Sir!!
Mr. X: Then?
Me: Asked just like that.
Mr. X: Though my parents are from India
(So u r??)
Scene 2:
Me: Hi, whats your name?
Miss Y: Its Krisma!!
Me: (smiling) Ohh, it is Karishma?
Miss Y: NOOOO, it is krisma, K-R-I-S-M-A!!
Me: You mean Karishma without the starting "A"?
Miss: Yeah ....... somewhat and IT IS NOT INDIAN
Scene 3:
Me: Hello Sir, are you ROOTS from India?
Mr. Z: Yeah ........ actually we are from her n there, my relatives are there n here .......... (the story goes)
Me: So sir, you call yourself an Indian?
Mr. Z: Not at all ........ I am a Kenya/tanzania/Ugandania - "N"!!
So the point that I have understood is ........ dont call an Indian outside India, an Indian ......... it hurts!!But why?
I always thought that why Indians are so segmeneted in the same country ........ but outside I realised that Indians are much more segregated ........ they are segregated to an extent of just not caste, but even on sirnames from a geography.
My friend in Kenya is about to miss his Diwali in India as he is in Kenya ......... so he asked Mr. Z, sir can I celebrate diwali with you ....... so Mr. Z replied, "We are 250 Patels (from a particular Geography in Northern Gujrat) .......... a small community and we celebrate Diwali between us only (meaning ........ F*** OFF)."Mr. Z was so concrete in his words that if he could have got a call from a hospital, depending on the reason he would have told us, now we are 249/251.It means, a Patel from some other geography of Gujarat, a Patel from ROI (Rest of India), a Hindu from Gujrat, a Hindu from ROI, An Indian from Gujrat, An Indian from ROI ............ no one , absolutely NO ONE is allowed ........ and this is not in India ......... a locality in Nairobi.
People always say ......... distance brings people closer ......... checking facts might help in re-phrasing this.
Not that this blog is to urge all fellow Indians across the globe to behave like brothers and sisters (barring the ones married, going around, targetting) but I AM SURPRISED ......... FOR SURE, I AM.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My Drives / Trips ............ less words, more snaps!!
All in all, I can say that the time till now has been really great and the future even better!! :-)

@ Opera House (Sydney) with AP
On the way to Australia, you see this!! They call it the Shark Bay!!
2. Banerghatta National Park : Trip with SB and NK (near to Bangalore)
None of us but yes the actual inmates right there!! THE Butterfly park!!
Have you ever seen a living White Tiger? See it now in either case!!
We know we are fat, but still cant we also try some Elephant rides?
3. Belum Caves (Andhra Pradesh) with JS, PP and NK:
Entry to the main Cave Hall!!Inside the Cave with JS
The lightening effect!! Awesome!! Its really Hot (Temperature wise)
3.5 kms of caves ............. unbelievable!!
4. Drive from Bangalore to Haridwar and way back (5300 kms) : With Family for Bro's marriage
Interesting about this drive is the single driver over 3 days (nights we were resting) cutting / touching 7 states of India and 1 UT. Karnataka > Andhra Pradesh > Maharashtra > Madhya Pradesh > Uttar Pradesh > Madhya pradesh > Uttar Pradesh > Rajasthan > Delhi > Uttaranchal.
Starting from BangaloreHitting NH7 (Longest National Highway of India)
Somewhere in Maharashtra!! Breath-taking scenes where there are only 3 colors you can see; Green of Sourroundings, black of road and blue of sky
On the way back from Delhi to Bangalore. This is somewhere in Madhya Pradesh
5. Bheemeshwari Trip in Nov 06: With SB, NK, JS, RP
Me and Cauvery waters at peace. This place is a paradise for people interested in Fishing!! I am more interested in eating :-) Who can say that these 2 peaceful men would be fighting over ego in few minutes from now!! (SB and NK)
Dont worry, they wont, the mediator is here. I believe in out-of-court settlement.
All men, no Jalparies!! :-(
Who has the muscle wins!! So now you know the "out-of-court" settlement!! he he :-)
6. Trip to Chennai and Pondichery NOV 2006:
With SB from BLR, KC and AS from Chennai. I love this trip for an amazing experience of driving on ECR (East Coast Road). The Ocean water touches the road at lot of places. Well Marked, Well defined, perfect road without any pot-holes. When we were starting from Chennai, every one told us that it would take us about 4 hours or if we drive really really fast without any traffic, it would take best-cum-best around 2.25 hours. We started with the milestone of 132 kms for Pondy and reached there in 1 Hour 20 Minutes with all the traffic and while driving back in night, we did the same distance in about 1 hour 10 minutes!! You might feel that I boast a lot about my fast driving. I am sorry to say, but you are right!!
Sitting on the Pondy beach (from left, AS, KC and SB)Pondy shores have lots n lots of GIANT CRABS (Alive). Few of them can be found here as well!!
So this is where Portugese anchored there ships!! Just checking there are few still left!! Bharat Mata ki Jai!!
As I said, ECR has Ocean Waters (or rather of Bay of Bengal) touching the roadside!! Awesome view
Trying to Call few Crabs so that we could have some nice snaps with them. SB looking as if someone has just come :-)
7. Trip to Coorg DEC 06: With NK, PJ and JS
On the way to Coorg. In between the coffee garden. Also is NK and PJ in pic PJ, JS and me at Addy's Falls
Me @ Addy's Falls
JS and Me discussing about the on-the-marks strategy
Yeah, the man in gold and man with the golden heart :-)
8. Dhanaulti Trip ............. not my drive!! but an amzing place
Ye Dosti hum nahin chodenge ........... Friends in Dhanaulti Me, Elder bro, Mom n the most important vehicle in the hills!!
Self and snow obsessed!!
Hills per Maggi khaana kitna mast hota hai!!
9. Goa Trip JAN 07: With AB, NS and SP
A Beach Shack with the multi-colored environment and the Hot us, I mean the sand!!Muchein ho to Lobster-ram jaisi!!
Abe itna khush kyon hai?? Abhi to paani mein gaya bhi nahin hai!!
Is kehte hein Bhookhe Nango ke beech Ujade chaman!!
This is just to prove that we did enter TITO's in this trip!!
10. Goa drive OCT 2006: With SB, JS and RP:
The Dudes hit the Goa Shore for the first time in their life Beta daro mat, mein tumhaari peeche hun!!
All set and charged up to enter TITO's ........... we were not allowed though :-(
My first Tattoo ever in my life!!
The address says UK (Union of Karnataka). This shop had a 1960 ad poster of MRF (some other name at that time)
11. Goa Trip OCT 07: With AB, Ankur and Salil
This is the trip which costed me a Bomb .......... yeah I hit the gear box casing i.e. in the under-chassis .............. Moral of the story ............ avoid SH as much as u can or rather prefer an NH even if it is slightly longer
Trying to read the Menu Card at a Beach Shack using Mobile's light Isn't this 170+ kmph?
Finally, we did rest at a beach shack!!
Just before we hit our car from the under chassis
It is not a runway, it is as NH. Hail NHAI!!
Other trips and snaps would follow shortly.